The Fappenings


The Fappening Part 1/2

I was on my way home from my part time job at Nickelodeon Studios as I was driving i saw an old abandoned warehouse I exclaimed " I should go in there !!!!! ". I was investigating when all of a sudden I found an N64 with the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time , and my favorite game of all time .... Super Mario 64. I was ecstatic. I then began going back to my car, when I got to it I was upset to see a ( GASP!!) a HYPER-REALISTIC note on my smashed windshield that said "

Don't PlAY THe FUcKinG GAme YOu BItCh" . At this point I was extremely terrified and decided to jog home. When i got home with my precious Nintendo and decided to play it in the morning. My HYPER-REALISTIC nostalgia boner woke me up I ran down my stairs in my home and looked around for them but they were nowhere to be found so I disappointedly made myself breakfast when i heard a strange noise coming from my tv room . When I walked in the room i noticed the N64 was hooking itself up, I thought to myself this thing is nifty!!. The first game I decided to play was Super Mario 64, when I started it up there was something wrong with the game where the Super Mario 64 letters appeared it was Fappin Mario 666 , I thought to myself it must be a Beta Of the game and decided to play on.Everything was normal till mario got in the castle , It looked like it had been robbed with HYPER-REALISTIC blood that looked HYPER-REALISTIC. I thought it was strange but kept playing when i got to Bomb-omb Battlefield I was greeted with SATANIC bomb-ombs that SPOKE LATIN luckily Latin is just common knowledge so I understood exactly what he was saying it translated to " Death has come death brings him " I wondered what it meant ... I shrugged it off and continued playing i had gotten to the mountain where you fight King Bomb-omb but when I got up there he was nowhere to be found "this is strange." I thought to myself when a cutscene had started and luigi jumed in out of nowhere and landed in front of mario ... why is luigi here , he isn't in this game I noticed he didn't have his hat on and realized this wasn't the real luigi .... is this what he meant "Death brings him." ? he then took out his HYPER-REALISTIC cock and slapped mario across his HYPER-REALISTIC face and i started to cry in fear as he HYPER-REALISTICLY raped mario ... after 10 minutes Mario had died and Luigi was looking at me and said " Now it's your turn" he then formed into a DEMONIC form of Luigi and HIS EYES were missing and had HYPER-REALISTIC blood coming out of the sockets demon Luigi then transported up to Lethal Lava Land and tried to come through my tv but then all of a sudden Rick Astley Had busted through the wall and started playing my favorite song " Never Gonna Give You Up" which the demon Luigi exclaimed " Not Rick Astly my only weakness." and died. I thanked him for saving me and he left. I don't think I'll ever play Mario 64 ever again ....... "Now it's time to play Zelda " I exclaimed ..... TO BE CONTINUED?